Radiography NDT Courses
About Radiography Inspection
Radiography inspection utilises ionising radiation and radiosensitive film to locate flaws within components. The exposure to the radiation causes a latent image on the film, which requires development to become a visible permanent image. This method allows different types of materials to be tested with high degree of sensitivity, with advances in computerised radiography further improving this inspection.
This course enables you to describe the principles of industrial radiography radiation safety, including a detailed description of the hazards and safety procedures that must be applied when using X-ray and gamma ray equipment and select and use relevant equipment.
Radiography Interpretation, Level II,
40 Hours Course
What this course covers:
Basic Radiography Principles
Graph Interpretation
Product Technology
NDT Specifications and Standards
Plus more.
Radiography Testing, Level II,
80 Hours Course (See Prerequisites below)
What this course covers:
Basic Radiography Principles
X-Ray and Gamma Sources
Equipment and Setup
Graph Interpretation
Product Technology
NDT Specifications and Standards
Written Instruction
Plus more.
Note: Students currently holding Radiography Interpretation are exempt 40 hours training regarding Interpretation.
Radiography Testing Required Prerequisites
Western Australian or equivalent Radiography Safety Licences (IRRSL)
Please contact us for further information.
Radiography Testing Recommended Course Prerequisites
Basic Literacy Skills
Basic Language Skills
Intermediate Maths Skills (Algebra and Trigonometry)
Product Technology and Processes
While not essential, as the course notes do cover all required areas, reading some of the below literature might help provide additional knowledge, and are generally available in reference libraries:
Please contact the office for list of reccomended reading material.
See our knowledge section to try examples of the typical question and problems that you will encounter during the course.
Radiography Testing Examinations
We provide examinations for Testing, including PCN examinations to level 2
Level 2
The RT Level 2 examination: general theory paper, specific paper, and a practical exam; five (5) samples, NDT Instruction and interpretation of twelve (12) graph covering light and dense metals, X-Ray and Gamma Radiation.
The options for RT Level 2 examinations are:
Initial Candidate
Resit (Theory)
Resit (Practical)
Level 2
Three (3) sample, Four (4) graphs and NDT Instruction.
Radiography Interpretation Examinations
We provide examinations for Radiography Testing, including PCN examinations to level 2
Level 2
The RI Level 2 examination includes a general paper, specific (welds) paper and practical exam consisting of interpretation of twelve (12) graphs (welds) covering light and dense metals.
The options for RI Level 2 examinations are:
Initial Candidate
Resit (Theory)
Resit (Practical)
Level 2
Four (4) graphs only
Radiography Safety Licence
Western Australian or equivalent Radiography Safety Licences (IRRSL)
Information regarding safety licences can be obtained by contacting the office directly.
For more information regarding certification and examination contact our office or see our certification page